Surface temperature determination using long range thermal emission spectroscopy based on a first order scanning Fabry-Pérot interferometer
Published in Optics Express, 2022
Determination of the surface temperature of different materials based on thermographic imaging is a difficult task as the thermal emission spectrum is both temperature and emissivity dependent. Without prior knowledge of the emissivity of the object under investigation, it makes up a temperature-emissivity underdetermined system. This work demonstrates the possibility of recognizing specific materials from hyperspectral thermal images (HSTI) in the wavelength range from 8–14 µm. The hyperspectral images were acquired using a microbolometer sensor array in combination with a scanning 1st order Fabry-Pérot interferometer acting as a bandpass filter. Read more
Recommended citation: Anders Løchte Jørgensen, Mads Nibe Larsen, Victor Petrunin, Jakob Kjelstrup-Hansen, and Bjarke Jørgensen, "Surface temperature determination using long range thermal emission spectroscopy based on a first order scanning Fabry-Pérot interferometer," Opt. Express 30, 2186-2196 (2022)